YES I never believed this until about 3 months ago when a local was running a Cerwin Vega Vmax 15 on a Punch 800, the sub literally blew into pieces and lit the back of his truck seat on fire. I have personally witnessed this so if anyone says it's a lie let's send it up to myth busters!!!
no but sometimes they don't blow out, but catch on fire. I've had 2 on fire, 1 that came all the way out, I like having fun with old subs that arent any good.
i've seen an 18" Eclipse Ti sub completely invert itself once. I didn't believe it but the guys at the shop showed me pictures. The customer said that sub was pounding so hard and then it just died and when he opened his hatch he saw that the cone had inverted itself. Took maybe 15 minutes to do. They had never seen anything like it before. I thought it was pretty cool.