I bought a Hifonics Titan 1505D from Ebay and i got it and had everything hooked up and the sub did not move, i tried everything including rewiring the whole thing again and actually tried 2 different decks and still nothing and so i was wondering if i could file for fraud on Ebay or something, would anybody know anything about this? please help
All settings on the amp are correctly set? most importantly the gain and the filters? If they are and its not working then before you go filing for fraud or whatever have it looked at by a professional. Then if they cant find the reason its not working then you can alert ebay or the seller of the defective item.
yea i just tryed it and no go and like i took the speaker wire out from the plug in spot and rubbed the 2 wires together and they should be sparking shouldnt they? any other suggestions?
hey man thanks, its a new sub unless RE deals out refurbs from the company which i doubt, but ill check everything and if still not ill go to a pro and have them look at the amp