i hear the rockford i want is underated,.and actualy pumps 2800 rms...will i blow my 1000 rms each subs..or will i be fine as long as i dont abuse them???
and 2nd..i would think to just turn down the gain..buti hear it has to exactly match the HU
u should be find, most good subs are made to take 100-300 rms then what they say. My friend has 1700 watts rms on a type X. so like i said they should be fine
and one more question...i will buy alot on ebay..are warrantees transferable..will i still get the manufacturs warrantee..if i buy on ebay...the ebay sights say u can..but idno
just make sure u contact the seller and ask as many questions as u can about warranties, and anything u can think of that might effect how u like ur amp, because they want to sell there item
Just as long as they honor there warranty, ur fine, and if they dont report them to ebay and do all the legal stuff. But lets hope u dont have any problems.