GlassWolf, I need your help


New member
Username: Armed4glory

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-04
I am a newbie at this, and I need your opinion on my ideas. I have a 1995 chevy blazer. I already have an alpine receiver, and I was wondering, should I proceed with getting 2 KickerCompVR 12" subs in a ported box, with a JBL 1200.1 amp?

I mostly listen to rap, and some occasional hard stuff, but mostly rap. Should I go ahead with what I have, or would something else better fit my needs?
Also, I dont have much of a budget, but I would like to keep it under $1000, if at all possible, but I don't wanna have to replace it in a year either.
Thanks for all of your help!

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 2221
Registered: Dec-03
2 compVR 12" and a 600.1
or 1200.1 and four compVR 12"
you only want 300wRMS per sub with those
the four 12" on a 1200.1 would rock though.. four of the DVC 4+4 ohm models to get a mono 2 ohm load
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