New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | Hi guys I am from India & new to this site.I have one of my relative coming from USA to India after 2 months. Following is what i have decided for my car[Hyundai Getz] which he bring it for me. From onlinecarstereo-- 1.Alpine 9847 HU for $179 2.Alpine MRP-F240 amplifier for $150 3.Dynamat extreme 4 sheets for $55 From crutchfield-- 4.Infinty ref 5010 component for $144 5.Infinty ref 5012 coaxial for $80 6.Infinty 1040 two subw for $90 7.Wiring kit $50 I will buy sony 504 bridge it and power two subw. I have heard that alpine HU & amp and Infinty speakers r best in business. Any suggestion/modication????? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2272 Registered: Jul-05 | Nice sound quality set-up i must ask though - whats a Doctor doing with a Hyundai !? Good system for the $ but 2 comments : Why 2 coax & 2 components ? Do not choose Sony for any car audio - its not too good & there are better . for your subs amp - choose 500/600wrms @ 1ohms amp like or PPI 500 Do search other sites like & or google for even lower prices ....... |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 2 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanx superfly for praising my choice...... Coaxial for rear door just to remain within budget.I India $800 is close to 37000 rs which is my 40 days salary. I will buy sony 504 in India just to power 2 subw.I cant buy one more amp in USA as whole stuff will be difficult to bring to India for one person. Also what u think of 2 sites i have mentioned?Plz do provide me with ur feedback as i dont know much about these website and dont want to get cheated. How do u rate these 2 with sites u have mentioned? Thanx in advance...... |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2281 Registered: Jul-05 | We have something in common - (name is Rovin by the way , i changed my profile name to SuperFly this morning just for fun) i'm also of Indian descent & also putting 1 speaker /door like u . If u click on my profile u will see what i'm doing & my system is like the average of 2mths salary in my country . Do spend a little more $ & make all speakers components - will make sound alot cleaner . I bought my stuff from various sites as it works out cheaper but its a little more effort . Fortunately my bro lives in FL so he organised it for me . only this mth offered free s/h due to Xmas coming up so u are lucky cause that probably makes them cheaper than the rest now . can u post a link to that Sony amp ? Doctors in T&T make alot more than what u said - u better come live here .... ![]() |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 3 Registered: Nov-05 | That was nice post superfly and good to hear from fellow Indian. I have applied for immigration to canada which is expected in 2 yr so from there i will move on to USA. I saw ur new car audio stuff.Its very-very good system indeed. As i told u earlier cant get components for both as they r very costly.Other way is to drop subs and put componenets in all 4 doors.How do u like this idea? I am buying 2 subs bcoz crutchfield is offering two at the price of one. Why dont u advice me decent system under $700-800.I will buy it on sat'day. Dont u think its very risky to buy from lesser known sites as they might have got these products made from some cheap chinses companies.[ called outsourcing] and also their policy on return r not very good.They charge restocking fee. Also why is it so that in USA prices in stores r much more [20-40%] than websites? Link for sony 504 amp-- |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 1231 Registered: Jul-05 | Stores still play on the fact that most people in america still dont trust online stores. But im a full believer in online stores, same product cheaper price, also most onlie stores do come with factory warranties, so its safer than u would think. Also nice sq system. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2325 Registered: Jul-05 | Ravinder Chauncey Brown aka 'Get Big' above is a online buddy of mine & what he said posted is true . BTW - it's night by u when its day by me ,right ? that amp doesn't have much power & to put that on 2 subs may be worth it . If u have to use that amp i'll give u 3 ideas 1) get the pair of Inf comps for your front doors & a pair of 6x9 speakers for your back dash only 2) get the pair of Inf comps for your front doors & a single 10 or 12" 100wrms sub for your trunk . # 120W, at 2 ohm 4 x 60W # Output Power Rated/THD: at 4 ohm 4 x 50W/0.04% / 2 x thats your amps wrms specs so its kinda tame . 3) get the pair of front door comps & a stronger sub BUT use a 2 channel amp for comps & get a separate MONO amp for your single sub . Tell me what u think ? ........ |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 4 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanx Rovin Yeah........u r abso'ly right.You guys r almost 10hrs behind us in time. Your all option r great and 1st one i also thought about.This can also reduce my budget.But it wont give me good SQ which basically i am looking for.Also i can get some bass which i wont be able to get if i choose only 4 spk for all doors. Infact my initial option was inf compo 5010for front door,inf coaxial 5012for rear door,alpine 9847 HU and alpine 240 amplifier. Then last week i saw crutchfield giving two subs for price of one and i decided to buy it.Also my initial setup wouldn't have given me any bass though i dont like too much of it. I like tight punchy bass which i dont think will get with 6*9 spk.And let me add i have deided sealed boxes for subs as small as possible. I think i need to buy better amp for subs.I will use it initially and i can upgrade it later or i can just putin more money and buy pio 6100f.Its almost 7000 here. Rovin which amp will be better for driving two subs- a 2-channel one or bridged 4-channels one. IHAVE SEEN Kenwood Excelon KAC-X541 AMP ON ONLINECARSTEREO WHICH I THINK I IMPRESIIVE AND ALSO HAS ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER WHICH R BETTER THAN NORMAL XOVER.Can i drive two compo for front door and two subs with it?I will use HU for rear door.How do u rate it?Link is Keep giving me feedback guys.I need it urgently. Thanx in advance..... |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2361 Registered: Jul-05 | I was just about to go to ![]() u can catch me here @ 10 in the morn - just post something in this thread & we'll catch up then ...... |
Silver Member Username: James_gTN Post Number: 381 Registered: Jul-05 | $800 for a 40-day salary? You're a MD? Ouch. I really feel for you. You certainly need to get to the U.S. ASAP. |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 5 Registered: Nov-05 | For superfly--ok i will try.Thats about 8 pm here.[8 hrs after this post]I will be online . For James--Yeah i am a doc.$800 is about 36000 indian rs which is quite a lot money here.For u guys electronics/electric stuff is cheaper than us but eatables r too coslt than us. Anyway i plan to come over there in near future. |
Gold Member Username: Mikechec9Http://www.cardomain.c... Post Number: 1503 Registered: May-05 | it's not what its cracked up to be here either. the wife and i plan on coming to india for the summer to study ayurveda. interesting how preventative medicine is in the east vs the strict treatment philosophy of westerners. as for the stores, they have overhead fees they have to account for. online sites could very well be selling out of their garage, with little to absolutely no employee fees or insurance, blah blah.. back to the sony; like rovin said, they will only fail in the near future, and they do not provide the power that they claim. for an entire system for 800.00, i would honestly pursue they provide 3yr warranties for all of their products, as well as free shipping (although i doubt it would be free to India). the subs sound really good (sounds like you want 8"), and their amps are arguably the absolute best for the money. competition grade products. plus they give you breaks/considerable savings if you purchase an entire system from them. i believe they are compensating for some problems they had with their initial flat piston sub that sounded spectacular, but didn't fare so well structurally (no flat piston ever does). so they discontinued it. it caused all kinds of problems with a minute few people trying to get them repaired. again, they dropped that line and have been doing great ever since. customer service included. i'll be using their amps in my next install ![]() obviously there are options though. as for, they also have good customer service and offer 1-2yr warranties on all their items. i've purchased from them before. let me know if i can be of any assistance to yourself and Rovin. here's my system i've worked on for quite some time. a reference of sorts. |
Gold Member Username: Mikechec9Http://www.cardomain.c... Post Number: 1506 Registered: May-05 | it's really too late for me to be up. i agree with rovin on your system for the $. i totally missed it upon first reading the thread. From onlinecarstereo-- 1.Alpine 9847 HU for $179 2.Alpine MRP-F240 amplifier for $150 3.Dynamat extreme 4 sheets for $55 From crutchfield-- 4.Infinty ref 5010 component for $144 5.Infinty ref 5012 coaxial for $80 6.Infinty 1040 two subw for $90 7.Wiring kit $50 should be a great sq setup. lose the sony and the coax and you'll be fine. rovin's definitely got it covered. |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 6 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanx Mike....... India is a nice country to visit.U r most welcome here.BTW i have studied allopathy and not ayurveda. Nice suggestion that i can do away with coax and sony amp but dont u think rear passenger wont be able to enjoy some music?Also then how will i power two subs? I dont think remaining two channels of alpine240 can do this.[2 channels for front compo] Also i will have toooo much bass which i dont like. Now I have an idea that i should donate one subw to someone and do tri-mode installation for 4 speakers and a subw. What u guys think of it? Dont u think that this mode will lower some SQ which i dont want to happpen. Plz keep giving me feedback as i am going to buy it in next few hours. Thanx..... |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 7 Registered: Nov-05 | Hi Guys Do u think following wiring kit will be ok for my double amp installation. Rovin i am online now..... |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2368 Registered: Jul-05 | I just got on too . Is it midnight by u right now ????? i don't know your car so u will have to use this guide to figure it out i'm around but am also doing some other stuff in between to so i may not reply u same time as u post ... |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 8 Registered: Nov-05 | No its not mid night.Its 8.30 pm now. My car is hyundai Getz,1340 cc petrol hatchback. Rovin just see my previous post if that kit can do the job |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2369 Registered: Jul-05 | We do have alot of Hyundai around but i can't say i have seen that model . Maybe they call it by a different name in my country . Whats your final amp selection - a single 4 channel &/or a separate amp sub ? this will determine the wrms & amperage that your amp will draw . Also the distance in wire is the major consideration cause that will determine the load the wires can carry thats why i posted u that guide which i use . Audio shops in my country hardly ever carry complete wiring kits so we usually go to the store & buy it buy the yard & its reasonable . Have u ever seen this ? good general guide for beginners ...... |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 9 Registered: Nov-05 | This model is not available in north america.It was launched in europe in 2002 and in india in 2004. At present i will go for 2 amps,they r alpine 240 and some other 4 channel. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2370 Registered: Jul-05 | my car too is not available in north america - Japanese import like 90% of our cars here in T&T mine ![]() u guys drive right hand drive cars like us ? here's what i would do cause your budget is so small Get the deck 1 pair of those comps get the 2 subs & sell off 1 like u said Get Alpine MRV-F345 2 chans powering each comp & bridge chans 3&4 for your single 10" All 4 items = $701 + 55 dynomat & 50 wiring kit = $806 your back passengers would still hear your clean music when u slap on your Kumar Sanu CD .... ![]() |
New member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 10 Registered: Nov-05 | Hi Rovin I dont know what happened to my account here i just cudn't log in. Anyway its active now. I am also thinkng on same line i.e getting alpine345 which is 5 channel but i wud still buy coax as 5th channel will power only subs.I also found that 345's minimum price was on hookedontronics.[~$285 with shipping to michigan] Can u guide me where else i can find it below this price. Now this will be my final system........ From onlinecarstereo-- 1.Alpine 9847 HU for $179 2. Dynamat extreme 4 sheets for $55 3.Infinty ref 5010 component for $139 4.Infinty ref 5012 coaxial for $63 From crutchfield-- 5.Infinty 1040 two subw for $90 6.Alpine MRV-345 for 282 from hookedontronics How u guys rate this last site? I have not selected wires as i am not sure what to buy.Ur feedback will be highly appreciated. And how did u like my final system? regards Ravinder |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 11 Registered: Nov-05 | My car 1st pic is from website and 2nd is my real car taken with moto E365. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 12 Registered: Nov-05 | oops where did they disappear?????? Let me try again. i think only one can upload...... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2381 Registered: Jul-05 | that 345 amp is 4chan unless i'm not seeing something &p_subcategory=120&p_main=10&p_more=y but u can still do those 4 speakers & 1 sub using 2 channels for speakers & 3/4 bridged = 3rd chan All u have to do is type in any products model no on & those price search sites will show u the lowest price If u intend to buy it all from 1 site they will price match the nearest competitor's price so ask them for it . I must ask u if only 5 1/4 " speakers can fit in your doors & are there stock holes in the rear doors ??? My ride can fit 6 1/2 ..... will be back online around 7.30 pm |
Bronze Member Username: Bga44Post Number: 82 Registered: Nov-05 | is probably the cheapest place i have found for car audio |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2383 Registered: Jul-05 | agreed with DJ but it looks like their site is underconstruction or some password is needed . i bought my deck & alpine 545 amp from them about 2mths ago .... |
Bronze Member Username: Bga44Post Number: 85 Registered: Nov-05 | its been under construction for quite a while, hopefully they will open soon. is another cheap site ive found |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2392 Registered: Jul-05 | that site u posted only appears to have old model discountinued stuff which i would stay far away from ...... |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 14 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanx guys for great help........ Rovin u must be online now. Yes 345 is not 5 channel.I mistyped it actually.Its 450 i am talking about. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2410 Registered: Jul-05 | talk 2 u in 15 mins - gonna take a shower & come back ..... ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 15 Registered: Nov-05 | And guys plz advice me now how many power cables,ground cables and patch cord i need now for 5-channel amp 4 door spk and one subw? and of what gauge? |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 16 Registered: Nov-05 | ok rovin just check this link.I heard monster cables r best.What u think about this link. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2412 Registered: Jul-05 | yea - that 450 is a good amp & according to that wiring guide i gave above that kit will do the job ... |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 17 Registered: Nov-05 | how about that link for monster kit. Rovin i dont even know what all i need. Can u plz tell me what all wires i will need for my 5 channel amp and 5 spk [4 door + one subw]. That will help me greatly..... |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2414 Registered: Jul-05 | i meant above that i checked it & the kit is good so get that Speaker wire is cheap so can buy like a 25/50ft roll "for component speakers (midbass, midrange, or tweeters) 18-16AWG is fine. For subwoofers, 14-12AWG is plenty. Anything you choose to use of a larger gauge will really only be for looks, as there will be no electrical advantage to larger wire" |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 18 Registered: Nov-05 | Thanx mate..... Now if u r awake plz tell me which one is better? Monster-- · 3 ft. of 8 gauge Monster Standard power cable. · Two 24k gold contact 4 gauge ring terminals 3/8 · 18 ft. of 4 gauge Monster Standard power cable. 5 ft. 8 gauge Monster Standard gro Rockford-- The Power SPL RP1734-C amp kit includes 4 AWG power wire and 4 AWG ground wire plus an inline GSE type fuseholder. The kit comes with the wires terminated with ring terminals. Gamma Geometry Matrix interconnects complete the package. For amplifiers up to 800 watts. · 16.4 ft Matrix Interconnect · Platinum Plated AGU Fuseholder with 50 Fuse · 17 ft 4 Gauge Translucent Red Power Wire with Attached Ring · 3 ft 4 Gauge Silver Ground Wire with Attached Ring · Remote Turn-on Lead Wire · Connectors · Cable Ties · Snap Grommet |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2421 Registered: Jul-05 | which ever 1 is within your budget & more convenient 4 u 2 install ,buy it like i said above a make my own by buying the pieces separately ........ |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 19 Registered: Nov-05 | ok then now i have deiced to buy these separatley from woofersetc.Will u plz giuse me how much i need for each cable. I hope u r nopt annoyed with me. |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 20 Registered: Nov-05 | rovin r u there?????? |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 21 Registered: Nov-05 | Hi guys I just now had a look at this review of RCA cable.Can u guys tell me what 4 m signifies?[after where "Item #: ILJR4M Cables" is written] What gauge is this???? Monster Cable Monster Cable ILJR4M - Monster Cable 13' RCA Cable Our Price: $11.99 Retail Price: $17.99 Save $6.00 Availability: In Stock Item #: ILJR4M Cables 4 m. pair - 13.12 ft. Flexible outer jacket for easy installation. Side-by-side left and right channel construction with remote turn on wire. Purple Duraflexᆴ protective jacket provides long-lasting durability, performance, and looks. Spiral wound copper shielding protects against outside interference. 24k gold contact, corrosion resistant molded RCA connectors for better conductivity. |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2429 Registered: Jul-05 | RCA cables are not that critical for the basic set-up u have - however if u wanna buy something a lil more quality/pricey for future upgrades , go for it ........ |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 22 Registered: Nov-05 | Rovin any final piece od advice for me????? |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2431 Registered: Jul-05 | have u ever read lenght of all your wiring will depend on where your amp is being placed & how neat u lay out your wires so be sure to oder more wire than is needed . i'm guessing your amp will b mounted @ the back of your rear seat ? - face your sub @ the back of your rear seat & facing towards your rear hatch for best bass response when u receive your sub & need box building help - there are alot of ppl here who have your sub & can advise u then . u doing it by uself or pro install ? ...... |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 23 Registered: Nov-05 | And sorry rovin for giving u trouble once more.I hope u r not annoyed with me. I am not sure about earthquake brand for cables.How do u rate this against other say monster? I found this and if this brand is good,then i can go for this as this provide everything. Earthquake AK4000 - Earthquake USA 4000 watt amp install kit ---MODEL AK-4000 COMPLETE AMPLIFIER INSTALLATION KIT TRIPLE GOLD PLATED USA TEAM QUAKE CERTIFIED 4000 WATTS MAXIMUM AMPLIFIER POWER WORKS WITH AMPS FROM 100-4000 WATTS! 83FT OF HIGH POWER CABLES FOR AMPS,SPEAKERS,AND HEAD UNIT OVER 20 GOLD PLATED terMINALS,CONNECTORS,SCREWES, AND TIES. INCLUDES: 20 FT 4 AWG RED POWER WIRE 3 FT 4 AWG BLACK POWER WIRE 20 FT 16 GAUGE SPEAKER WIRE 16 FT 16 GAUGE REMOTE TURN-ON WIRE 18 FT SILVER TWISTED PAIR RCA INTERCONNECT 6 FT BLACK SPLIT LOOM GOLD PLATED ANL FUSE HOLDER WITH 150 AMP FUSE 2 X 4 GAUGE GOLD O RING TERMINAL, 1 RED/1 BLACK 2 X 4 GAUGE GOLD U TERMINAL, 1 RED/1 BLACK 4 X 14-16 GOLD U TERMINAL FOR SPEAKER TERMINALS ON AMP, 2 RED/2 BLACK 4 X 0.25 GOLD FEMALE DISCONNECTS FOR SPEAKERS, 2 RED/2 BLACK 1 X 14-16 GAUGE GOLD U TERMINAL FOR REMOTE TURN-ON WIRE,10-12 RED 1 X SELF TAPPING SCREW, 1 TINNED 10 X BLACK CABLE TIES, 150mm LONG 1 X BLACK GROMMET |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 2434 Registered: Jul-05 | never used either but the specs look good ..... |
Bronze Member Username: RsjaurrBatala, Punjab India Post Number: 24 Registered: Nov-05 | Yeah ........just 2 days back i started reading this site.But cant get from here much. And yes.........u r spot on for amp+ subw installation. What information i have so far is that i need following Cable Lengths (based on amp in boot): Fronts to Amp 14g = 2x 6 mts Rears to Amp 14g = 2x 4 mts Sub to Amp 14g = 1x 2 mts HU to Amp RCA = 3x 6mts Power Cable 4g = 1x 6mts with Terminal and Fuse at one end Ground Cable 8g = 1x 1mtr with ground terminal at one end Plz have a look at the earthquake rcable and tell me is it very good/good/not so good brand? |