HELP!!! Kenwood KDC 519 - lights out!


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Username: C0pe999

Post Number: 1
Registered: Oct-05
I noticed today while driving that my cd player (Kenwood KDC 519) decided that the face wont light up... its just blank, no lights or anything. CD's and the radio work fine but there is no display on the front. Does anyone know if this is a common problem or could a wire have loosened? I dont have the tools to take out the unit so Im hesitant in bringing it to a shop to spend the money on it so before i do so, i thought id ask for some advice. If it matters, I drive a 98 VW GTi VR6. Thanks a lot. any help would be most appreciated.


Unregistered guest
I also have the 519 and the exact same problem happened... however now it isn't working AT ALL!!!

I would love to know why it is doing this and if it can be replaced.

Unregistered guest
i totally know what happened. Right now i'm just trying to figure out how to fix it. if you look closely at the bottom of the face (with it flipped close of course), you can see the ribbon that connects the face electronically to the inside of the stereo. I happened to notice it only after i removed my stereo. Basically the ribbon bending back and forth (the face plate rotating open and closed)constantly caused it to crack on either side of it eventually breaking the connections one at a time. My stereo first lost the display then eventually none of the controls worked. frustrating i know. I've only had mine for 2 years. I wondered if there was a way to solder in a replacement ribbon but I don't know.


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Username: Jfujioka

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-05
This happened to me, here's what I did.
Went to and bought the parts for about $20. I opened up my stereo, removed the old piece and replaced it. I had to buy a sodering gun at Radio Shack to make about 10 tiny solders. I put it all back and it seems to work fine!

Unregistered guest
I'm repairing my KDC519 ribbon cable right now, and unfortunately can't figure out how to rotate open the faceplate mount to expose the ribbon cable's contact block (to get to the 2 screws holding the old ribbon cable in place). Any pointers on what I need to do accomplish this would be extremely appreciated. Thanks.

If you take apart the unit and remove the cd player you can access the gears that drive the face unit. Rotate the vertical worm gear manually while gently helping the face flip and that will get you in. I am having the same problem with my unit and took it apart the other day just to see what made it tick.

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Username: Smallville72

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
does anyone knows the part #... Thank you
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