AMP/HU settings


Silver Member
Username: Caraudio

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 127
Registered: Sep-05
HU Settings:

Bass +12
Trebel +12
Sub Lvl +4db (max +/-6db)
Sq Set 60hz+6 (can be +12 or 0)
LPF Hz 80
HPF Hz 180

Amp Settings:
Amp level is about same as HPF if not jus a tad higher

LPF about 25% \ like that on the amp scale to the left so you can turn it up more but its on the left side.

HPF about 65-70% / to the right of the adjust knob.

Freq Amp set: Low

Thoes are my settings im affraid if i tell you my setup you guys wont help so there the specs it runs fine but it gets REALLLLLLLLLLYYYYY HOTT after like 15min of 30/40 volume use. Now its a Panasonic Deck and 2 12" subs also the DB Boost contorll is at 1/4 the way up i some times turn it up about 3/4 when i want people 2 hear it.

Silver Member
Username: Caraudio

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 128
Registered: Sep-05
But it doesnt or hasnt gone into protect mode yet.

Silver Member
Username: Caraudio

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 134
Registered: Sep-05
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