I was looking into getting a RE MT 15 for my system. Now my question is, I see there is no warranty on this item. Is it worth spending the $500 on this woofer and use it as a daily driver and competition? Or should I go with something more along the lines of a SX? Right now I have a MA Audio Hard Kore X2. Any suggestions?
The reason why there's no warranty is, most people buy that model and abuse it. It doesn't mean it's a bad product. I have RE 15" MT. I'll tell you one thing, it is very loud and when given 1200w rms - 1500w rms, it sound very good. Under 1000w, the SQ is good to decent. The trick is the box and port size. The MT needs lots of it for it to operate at maximum efficiency. If done right, 1 15" MT has enough power to shake your whole car and set off alarms in the neighbourhood.