I have 2 amps. A 4-channel and a Mono Amp. I have only one remote wire but is very long. can i just cut the right length and then connect each of the cut remote wire to the slot of the mono amp and then connect the other end into the 4-channel and then the remote wire that is from the H/U to the back just connect to any of the remote wire slot?
So basically, having a 2-3 feet remote wire and conencting each end to an amp and then getting the remote wire from H/U and connect it to either amp.
Yes, you could do this. However, if you want to run anything else, it'd be wise to invest in a bosch relay. The fuse on your remote out from the HU is very low, and easy to blow... Even connecting two amps, just to be safe, personally, I'd use a relay regardless.
Using a bosch relay (5 posts, 4 that you actually use) you connect your remote to one of the posts (diagrams are easy to find), ground it, run some power wire (fused) from your battery, (Or from a D-Block with your existing power wire) and then, the final wire, would be your new remote output, and you wouldnt have to worry about hooking up other accessories to it.. (Neon lighting, or anything else you'd want to turn on with your HU), extra amps, etc...
Just a better safe than sorry thing, since they're less than $5, and all.
just run a wire from the remote trigger of your head unit to where the amplifeirs are, then split to both amps. all the rem wire does is send a low current 12 volt signal to tell the amplifiers when to turn on and off. you can generally run up to three devices using the head unit's remote wire spliced, before you need to go to using a relay for the added current.
for two amps, there's no real need for a relay. the relay is needed if you add anything else that needs a remote turn-on trigger.. the head unit only provides a low current feed, and the current is divided between the devices triggered.. so the more amps and processors you add, the more current ya need for that trigger signal. after about 3 devices you'd want the relay just to protect the ehad unit from getting burned out.