my friend wants 4 8s and ive narrowed it down to these 2 subs. i dont have experience with either nor do i have knowledge about them so i was wondering what you guys thought. he wants a mixture of the loudest volume he can get from 8s and SQ. i think both subs look like a good candidate but i cant decide. thanks
and he wants to use alpines amps. 600w rms into 2 ohms. 2 amps. so 300w rms each sub.
okay well i just realized the rl-is are dual 4 ohm so he cant use those with that amp but if he wants to change amps then id still like to know which sub is the better pick
go with the DD's i have one of their 2000a series and you can run it all day with some bass, or you can turn down the sub control(if you have it on your HU) and it sounds great with some rock.