Some people, mostly younger punk kids need to learn a little bit of respect for those around them and their system and its capabilities.
There are a few things that your should not do with your system out of pure respect for others. For instance is it really necessary to go though a neighborhood with your system pounding away, or past a church on a sunday morning, or any day for that manner. Or howbout in the historic part of downtown, where people are playing tourist.
A general rule of thumb that I use for when to turn it up is when im going faster than 45mph, or on a back road, or in an industral park.
All im asking is that those of you who are guilty, simply turn it down, and stop giving those of us who have put alot of time and money into a quality system, and great audio and respect it's capabilities, a bad rap.
Im tired of getting the reputation that im just like all the other inconsiderate fools that dont think about what they are infact doing.
Nobody needs to respond to this if you dont want, but please give it some thought
Unregistered guest
Posted on
You have no idea what you are talking about... The only reason you would possibly throw a sound sytsem in your car like I did is to blast everyone within a redlights radius out... and you need to get your grammer right... "All im asking is that those of you who are guilty, simply turn it down, and stop giving those of us who have put alot of time and money into a quality system, and great audio and respect it's capabilities, a bad rap." makes no sence sorry but you asked for it
i listen to a lot of rap, and bass-heavy music, but i also turn it down at stop-lights, parking lots, etc. i admit that i find it quite annoying when i am sitting in my house, or at a stop light w/o my music on, and someone pulls up behind me and i can hear and FEEL everything in the song they are listening to.
for that exact reason they have started a new law in my county that states if your music can be heard from 25ft. away, YES 25FT. AWAY, you will be issued a $70 ticket. and i think for second offenders you are fined $500 for noise pollution, but i'm not sure about that.
don't get me wrong, i love to FEEL the bass of the song i am listening to, but i do think it is annoying when i hear someone blaring theirs inconsiderately. i also occasionaly like to blast someone away with my system too though. lol so i guess i am on both sides of this issue.
i know! it doesn't make any sense. what about the guy in the diesel truck behind you at MickeyD's that turns his truck off to order, but while you are trying to yell your order and hear what they said, he has his truck 6 inches from your bumper. LMAO
my friend that works with me got a warning from blaring his music, but he is an IDIOT, and had his playing a max volume at 6:30 am at a gas station. the cop said " i am supposed to give you a ticket if i can hear it from 25ft. away, but i FELT it from 25ft. away" so he got off with a warning, b/c he told him he didn't know of such a law. lol
he said that the cop saying that to him made him think his system was even more bada**(not to say that a system heard from 25ft. away is bada** lol) so he continues to play it loud everywhere he goes.
lol iceman yea i agree blasting your music is rude in sidestreets, small communities, stop lights and such although during the day away from houses i think its alright i dont find it botherin and even though its a really minor problem you cause, sometimes its just what somone needs to set there rampage off oh and dont be a jackazz ridin up and down clubs or at your school thumpin cause ppl will follow you to your house and jack you its happen but thank god not to me
robert r d r d
Unregistered guest
Posted on
oh and dont get those nasty exuasts that are 4 , 5 inches big when u have a little 1.7L engine its just gunna sound like sh!t and look so corny if u wanna get an exuast get a 2.5 / 3 inch with a silencer so it sounds nice and deep and constant not like a michine gun
Yeah like those uber-rice civics. You would think they shoot coconuts or something. lol. Still that law is BS. I mean airplanes, AIRPLANES... can be heard farther than 25ft away, and you don't see 5-0 gettin in their choppers and giving the airplane a ticket. Get a db meter and kill 2 birds with one stone. 1. set the limit of how loud a system is, 2. Free db measure. lol
lol theo nly place i turn mine up really loud is outside of movie theaters late at night to draw all the black people out who ARENT watching any movies- rather having some drug deals go down-- or when i see a really nice car and want to set off their alarm
I am so guilty of the alarm thing I love doing that
The law im my city is 50 ft but its really only inforced in crowded areas where people shouldnt be blaring their music anyway.
robert d r d r d
Unregistered guest
Posted on
yea in south beach and hollywood blvd the cops are really ana1 thell pull u over for just about anything but i do love setting off alarms its just some good feeling you get outa of it even though its wrong but i hate blastin my audiobahns they sound like crap
I always keep my windows rolled up when I listen to music and even turn it down at stoplights most of the time. I also do not listen to any rap, mostly techno. I even play modern jazz sometimes.
This is probably just me but the owner of almost every loud system I hear has their windows rolled down (Definitely a lack of respect) and it is almost always rap playing. The two combined are annoying in my perspective...
they have to keep the windows down or go deaf after 15 minutes of driving The amount of pressure they are polluting he the streets with is too much for a person to stand and also painful... it would almost be like encasing your head inside a sub box.
They dont care they want everyone to hear them they are just attention craving idiots who wants everyone to awe at them.
Wess, your right it wasn't grammatically correct, but if you had any grasp of the english language you would understand what i was tring to explain.
Beleave you me, I can definitely, "blast everyone within a redlights radius out". But I don't because I have enough common decency to not force everyone around me to listen to what I am. Im sorry but I don't get my gollies off that. Just because I do have the capiblities to set car alarms off doesn't mean that I have to use that power.
By the way in my town its a $94 dollar ticket from 70ft away.
During the day I turn my bass levels to 0, but I usually dont turn it up past 18/60 at most in town, unless i am parked and someone wants to hear how loud it will get. When i show someone I usually dont keep it up for longer than 1 or 2 min. At night I turn my bass levels all the way down and keep it pretty quite in town. I turn it down at the obvious places and spots any person with courtesy would turn it down.
shut up about respect. Who's goes out in the streets worrying about who they're offending? There's so many things you can do that would be rude and offend other peeps. Don't tell me that's what's on your mind all the time? Who cares what other peeps think!
people like wess and erik are the reason fuckups like Michael Wright, and the anti-boom car articles on 20/20 get so much attention to begin with, and why more and more cities and towns and counties are passing noise ordinances and cracking down on anybody with a sound system in their cars, giving authorities the right to impound violators' cars and strip and auction off their stereo systems as a penalty.
Thanks guys, for giving car audio the bad reputation it has with the "adults" who make the laws and determine how the rest of the world suffers for their ignorance and single-minded hatred for a few bad apples that ruin the enjoyment of good audio for everybody else.
Someday, (maybe), they'll eventually grow up and realize what dumbaszes they were. Once they start losing their hearing from listening to 140+ db's of distorted $hit all the time, they'll learn to turn it down.
Post Number: 143 Registered: Dec-03 Posted on Friday, August 26, 2005 - 09:49 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some people, mostly younger punk kids need to learn a little bit of respect for those around them and their system and its capabilities.
There are a few things that your should not do with your system out of pure respect for others. For instance is it really necessary to go though a neighborhood with your system pounding away, or past a church on a sunday morning, or any day for that manner. Or howbout in the historic part of downtown, where people are playing tourist.
A general rule of thumb that I use for when to turn it up is when im going faster than 45mph, or on a back road, or in an industral park.
All im asking is that those of you who are guilty, simply turn it down, and stop giving those of us who have put alot of time and money into a quality system, and great audio and respect it's capabilities, a bad rap.
Im tired of getting the reputation that im just like all the other inconsiderate fools that dont think about what they are infact doing.
Nobody needs to respond to this if you dont want, but please give it some thought
Another annoyance, is when kids hear responsible people with good systems driving down the street, and it's barely audible, they automatically assume your system is crap. In their state of mind, if it's not loud, it's junk.
Thankyou guys for the support. I dont want to be naive to think that with a little effort we could give audiophiles a second chance at a better rep, but I might be. and JOE SMOE Ive had that happen where people say that their system (which consists of sony explodes) can blow me out of the water. I just have to laugh.
and Zac
I can only wish you the best of luck. I used to have two caraudio shops that were within a 1/2hrs drive and now both are out of business. All because young kids with no respect boomed around their local neighborhood (near the shop) and people complained enough to drive both shops out of business. Now I either have to drive a little over an hour, or buy over the net. Nice support those kids gave to their local shop huh?
It is really too bad that the problem got so bad that they had to make laws specifically for car audio problems. There was no reason that it should have come down to that.
robert r d r d
Unregistered guest
Posted on
seriously its sad you can fool your ears to have your system sound loud just play it at low for a little and let your ears get used to that sound then turn it up a little more and it will sound loud also put yourself in the place of people who you are trying to show off too when your walking or chillin in your house you hear loud hi's or lotta bass and you think to youself wat a jackass thats how the people look at you especially females if your trying to impress them
I gotta be honest, the other day, I was at Arizona Mills Mall... And outta nowhere, this phuking unbelieveable bass (I swear, it had to be THOUSANDS of watts!!!) hit me phuking hard. Of course, I looked up immediately and saw this yellow avalanche type truck thing... Honestly, for that instant, he was my phuking hero. lol. Really, I remember thinking later, "I've got to get a second amp. I WISH my $hit sounded like THAT!"
Not choosing sides, just telling you my experience. (And putting in my 2 cents as well) And interestingly enough, other people around me (of all ages and personality types - I'm assuming) were seemingly "impressed" as well. I swear to God: A dude in his maybe late 40's or early 50's muttered, "Wow. Nice Stereo."