How true is The Watt is a Watt theory?


Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 60
Registered: Jul-05
I was in circuit city someday this week I cant remember. But they had alot of stuff Lanzar, Kicker, Mtx, Sony ect. so after I decided wich sub I was going to listend to(Mtx)I tried all the amps on this ported 2 10'' setup.

What I did notice that the amps at the same wattage but still made the sub sound diffrent. The audiobauhn was the loudest and Lanzar was Right Behind it.

But the Kicker and mtx had the best sq. Next to the pioneer the kicker had the least output.
The Kicker and mtx were what I listend to the most, I notice the mtx made the sub louder more punchy and airy(didnt sound to good to me simulated distortion in my mind). The Kicker who Im not a fan of played the least out put but sound so clean and clear It made me want to check into the line, but the out put was minimal and played with less bass depth. While the mtx was cute with its crazy electronic lights flashing on bass notes on the amp the kicker sq sound better then the louder amplifiers there.

I know all they have is low end stuff but the product not being pushed pass distortion

Now I wonder if a watt is a watt how can so many diffrent amplifiers from so many diffrent companys can put out such diffrent responces,??

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9248
Registered: Dec-03
actually this exact question was just recently answerd in another thread when it was posed by someone else.
I don't recall where the thread was, but you could search here for it.
I went into more detail on this in answering the other person asking than I care to do again, so take a look-see for that thread and see if it helps.


Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 62
Registered: Jul-05
ok thanks

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9302
Registered: Dec-03
did ya find the thread? it was in amplifiers, or accessories I think.

basically it boils down to better amplifiers offering more headroom, so even when rated for the same amount of power as a cheaper amplifier, the better models will sound better and have more dynamic range when pushed to near their limits, whereas the cheaper amplifiers will sound flat and compressed. That's the overly simplified answer to why better amplifiers are actually better.
they have better power supplies and better internal components, and any chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 63
Registered: Jul-05

I have the 2 15 avalanch im still thinking of getting the 250 g4 amps this person say they just need to be assembled

brb imma check the accesory page

Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 64
Registered: Jul-05
hey what was the title of the thread?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9326
Registered: Dec-03
oh man I don't even recall what it was now. It was about 4 to 6 weeks ago I think.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 9327
Registered: Dec-03
you're a lucky man.. I found it :P


Bronze Member
Username: Lil_jon

Post Number: 65
Registered: Jul-05
thanks man I needed that
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