optima yellow top battery running to the back of the car with 0 gauge wire to a stinger battery isolater 200 amp to another optima yellow top battery which is running 0 gauge into a 20 farad stinger cap, from the cap which is also used as a distribution block. splits 0 gauge power to 4 gauge running into 1 jl 1000/1 amp and the other 4 gauge to 450/4 amp 1 0 gauge ground goes into a distribution block into both amps and the second battery the capasitor has its own 0 gauge wire. from the 1000/1 amp i have it goin into a jl w7 and the 450/4 amp going into front jl xr series components and xr series 5X7 rears. the gains on these are not even set to half and for some reason my capasitor is reading at 15 volts then once the power of the sub hit its dropes to 13 which should be fin still but when i hook up a voltage meter to the amps the voltage looks like ti drops to under 12 and for seom reason my 450 by 4 amp shuts off my interior speakers i paid soooo much money for a system to be top of the line i dont think this should be cutting off if n e one can help me pleeeeaaaaaaaaaaase. everytim the bass hits at a high volume or the gain raised hight the interior amp shuts off when i disconnected my 1000/1 amp the interiors i cranked all the way up and it didnt even budge it was very clear and loud without shutting off but when hook up the sub it seems to cut off??? its annoying hellllllp!
Got any fans? yeah uh just wire it up to the battery in the back.. and put it by the amp causing it to run cooler, therefore it may or may not keep shutting off like that, i really dont know what else to tell you i would have to physically see your setup. but it sounds like a thermal problem..
if i could pay somebody to fix it i would ... no one knows whats wrong everything they say i buy and put in and it doesnt seem to work.. lol thats funny though. the one thing im doin now is upping my alternator