Glasswolf Sean here I have a question for you


Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 3398
Registered: Jun-04
Glasswolf ive been listening to my abc box various ways and am intrigued with the positive and negaatives of this box but I was curious why you called the abc box an aperiodic box because the way I understand that type is that you basically matt the front of the subwoofer and enclose the rear the way you do it I think anyway Im will to learn from your vast knowledge depth



Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 8492
Registered: Dec-03
ABC if it's what we're both talking about is a term coined by someone, I forgot whom, in reference to an "aperiodic bi-chambered (abc)" box, which allows you to tune the enclosure to two different frequencies.

it's really not an aperiodic per se.. not like the one I use, which uses a resistive membrane to control driver movement, but that's the term coined for the box.


Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 8493
Registered: Dec-03
Occurring without periodicity; irregular.
Physics. Without periodic vibrations.

n : the quality of recurring at intervals
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