ive tried searching for this but i coudnt find any answers..i was wondering you know how amps got the bass boost thats rated usually like 12db or 18db...well my mtx amp has a 18db bass boost and i was wondering if it actually does increase the volume by 18dbs if its all the way up?
the decibel is a relative scale. it's not absolute. you won't gain 18dB in SPL with the button. what it means is +18dB at the center frequency, usually around 40Hz, over a "zero" level or flat signal. Most equalizers have a cut/boost of 6 or 12dB. sometimes 15dB, as a reference.
In all reality, if your system sounds good and is loud already, you don't need the bass boost. Your only kidding your self if you need to crank it up...