hmm gonna have to spend some extra money on an amp because u bought dual 4 ohm subwoofers... the jl 1000/1 would work great because u could wire a 4 ohm load and if u put them in a .84 cu ft box they would sound awesome .. or have each dedicated to there own amp ... say 2 mrd-m605's .. or if u could take them back and get 2 ohm models u could run them off any 1000 watt amp stable at 2 ohms.. it would be alot cheaper
i have the dual 4 ohm models and i use a us acoustics usx1000d and it is awsome. Look at the MB quart 1000 something at crutchfield for 300 shipped and alos check out memphis 1000d class amps. Orion xtr series amps and try even the jbl 1200.1