I have just installed a new 4 channel amp in my Dodge Dakota and i have some crazy alternator whine coming trough the speakers. The groud wires are short and grounded to the chasis. I have decent RCA wires ($50) and the power and speaker/RCA wires are run on oppisite sides of the truck. I bought a "ground loop isolator" which did nothing. I have 2 channels coming from my head unit into a Y splitter then into my amp as 4 channels. Yesterday i found out that if i connected channel 1&2 to the amp, and touched either the channel 3 or 4 RCA pin (i don't know the correct terminology but the thing in the middle of the rca) to the sleeve (the outside of the female adapter) on the amp for either channel 3 or 4 the aternator whine went away. Is this anything significant? Please help or give any suggestions. Thank you
Might want to pick up some RCA's with a ground. Also, the Y Splitters are a bad idea in general..really messes with the signal in my experience. But really no way around it if your deck just has one RCA out..