Up grade or no????


Bronze Member
Username: Safa19

Post Number: 24
Registered: Apr-05
i have audibahn subs right now and something doesnt sound right. just off beat or something. i also have the audiobahn a8002t amp for them (400watts x 2) and i was wondering if it would be worth it to upgrade to apline type r or type s subs?? would the subs make that much of a difference or is it more in the amp? i hope someone can help me. thanks alot!

Bronze Member
Username: Subzer0

Richmond, KY USA

Post Number: 28
Registered: May-05
go with RE or RF ... RF is in the same range as audiobahn .. and RE is more expensive for the power.

Bronze Member
Username: Balls573

Winona, Missouri U.S

Post Number: 76
Registered: Mar-05
i would definately upgrade the amp and subs or at least the subs. how much money do you want to spend on amp/subs and are you looking for spl sq or sql?

Silver Member
Username: Araknid


Post Number: 492
Registered: Nov-04
I would not only ditch the subs and go wit the type R's but also replace that amp with real equipment.

Silver Member
Username: Pharoh

Bradford, Ontario Canada

Post Number: 229
Registered: Jan-05
The subwoofers would make a difference, AudioB is more of a SPL and SQ subwoofer. The other subs you mensions you would hear a difference. A new amp would help and make sure your gains are set correctly.
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