yesterday at the show in a factory recommended ported box each solobaric l7 10 had an mtx 81000d 1500 watts to each theoretically anyway not including declining voltage running two of these amps he was running two 10's and hit 144.4 or so on a tight meter at the comps in hershey pa i heard people say the meter was as much as 5 db less than theirs when they metered it before the show
point being they are rated much less than the 1500 they were getting 3 seconds and they prob hit much more than the 144.4 considering it was a tight meter imagine what thae could do in the right a matter of fact two of them in a crx hit 155 db with that much power i think
Well, I can imagine a lot of subs could take 1500 watts for only 3 seconds. Yeah, it's a lot, but it does take a few seconds before voice coils melt. Other than that, 144 is very good for two 10's, considering it's on a tight meter.