i have a 2000 mazda 626 that came with a bose sound system but i recently put a new head unit in a pioneer (DEH-P4700MP. i got it done at Circuit city and i asked the guy that worked there "will this deck blow my stock bose speakers in the car" he said no and if they blow it would be the installers part for not hookin it up right. well anyways my back left 6x9 sounds crackly but it still slaps hard just as hard before it made the crakly noise. the head unit was 50x4 watts n 22x4 rms is that enought power to blow a bose sound system> thanks
by the way i looked at the speaker it self took the cover off and the speaker looks fine no holes the cone hasn't been pushed out or look blown at all but sounds crapy.
actually, you could have blown the speaker by turning it up too loud with not enough power, causing the signal to clip, distort, and damage your driver. at least that is what it sounds like.