whoa, there are no dual voice coil amps. there are subs which are dual voice coil. First what impedance are the subs, single 4 ohm, dual 2 ohm, etc. second check the rms specs on the subs and amp. Then post how many channels the amp is, 1, 2, etc. Then we can help you. Those might be rms specs but just make sure your giving us RMS and not peak power.
okay, this is not the case with all amps but usually the amps will double their power when the ohm load is halved. I don't knw about that one in particular. If you wire all of the coils in parallel then you would get a 1 ohm load and I'm guessin that your amp is not 1 ohm stable, but you wouldn't want that anyways. You definitely do not want to wire all of them in series or your subs will be getting a small amount of power. Your probably gonna have to do a series-parallel set-up but that would leave it at 4-ohms and only 200 watts goin to each woofer. Thats somewhat sufficient but you could do better. Rockford fosgate's website has an ohm calculator you can use as well as reaudio.com and many other car audio websites they can give you a visual picture of what your set up will look like.