Ok...I have a 2003 ford explorer and im looking for some subs that will suit my needs. Im putting the subs where the third row is...I dont kno if i should fold that row down and throw the box(s) on top of that or take it completly out. Theres a lot of space in the back and to fill the car with the bass that shakes the car next to me at a stop light i think is going to be hard.. What are some good subs that will fill up my explorer with hard hittin stomach turning bass? i dont want it like teamtoxic's shits...i dont want it hitting that hard i just want to be heard a block or two away...im thinkin bout 4 12's or 2 15's....Suggestions?
JBL 1200/1 amp from what I hear is pretty awesome, and under rated. A few other guys have talked about Audiobahn's hct amps. But, the amp or amps that you will need depends on what and how many subs you plan on getting and also your budget.
Depends on what the 12's are. Also depends on if you are going to put a HO alternator on that thing. 4 high powered 12's are going to need some good amps, which means a lot of draw on the electrical system. To fix that, you will need a high output alternator like a 250 to 300 amp alternator to power what you need. A lot of variables in this game.
Mike-first give a single 15" x.x.x. a try and feed it around 1200w rms. then if you decide you need more then get another two or something. 2 15" x.x.x's wont make a huge diff from running 1 sub only. I had 2 15"(dual 4 ohm) x.x.x with an Infinity 1210a each.I probably used them together about 3 or 4 times only.I only ran 1 sub most of the time. I could literally be heard a city block away in my '03 expedition. I did the same thing you'r thinking of doing with my ride. I folded the thrid seat,built a custom 7.5 cube box and it fit nicely. By the way I'm now running an 18" x.x.x.The 15's I had in 4.5 cu enclosures tuned to 28 Hz.