Right need some major help!, i have just bought a full system for my car it consists of 4x 200 watt 6x9's and 2 12" Subs(350 watt each), i have 2 amps to do a job each(1 on sub, 1 on speakers), the amps i have are Toxic TX-1500n(2 channel) and Toxic TX-1600n(4 channel) the fuse in the 1500 is 40 and the fuses in the 1600 are 2x 30! im guna hook the 1500 to the subs and the 1600 to the 6x9's will this set up be ok or not? let me no cause i havent installed it yet i know the amps are not as powerful as they say they are but are they good enough or will they blow the subs n speakers? will it boom on the low parts but also sound good on the high parts? im scared of trying it and blowing the subs up and then i wasted me money can sum1 help me?