Cooling fan....?


Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 132
Registered: Dec-04
i find that when i run my sub full out for longer periods of time(1-2 hours) the sub amp gets really hot and will ocassionaly turn off, mostly when its really hot and the car is jsut sitting there(not moving) or when the a/c isnt on, i found this cooling fan on a website Pyramid-PBFC-6713
the only problem is that i think it may be allitle to deep, b/c my amps are attached to my box which are directly behind my rear seats...does anyone know of any other type of fans i could use, different company who makes them and where i could get one...thanx in advance...killer44

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 133
Registered: Dec-04
anyone have any ideas...?

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 135
Registered: Dec-04
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated i want to get something in their as soon as possible..dont want to risk frying my amp...

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 136
Registered: Dec-04
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated i want to get something in their as soon as possible..dont want to risk frying my amp...

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 137
Registered: Dec-04
sorry aobut the double post...

Silver Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 342
Registered: Feb-05
all that is is a CPU fan. any kind of 12V fan will work

New member
Username: Gmcman

White Bear Lk., Mn United states

Post Number: 1
Registered: Apr-05
Yes any 12 volt will work I had the same prob with my rock foz 501x 4 ch. I used 3, 5 volt fans that are from a computor parts store,They are less then a inch square and put them inside the case! also i used real small heat sink's from same parts store,glued them in with thermal adhesive and have not had a heat issue at all sence! ABC,ELECTRONICS IN MPLS. MN USA

New member
Username: Gmcman

White Bear Lk., Mn United states

Post Number: 2
Registered: Apr-05
Also you might want to look at your cap's on the board! Look to see if they are buldging on there top's? If so i would replace them! I found this site looking for my caps, anyone know where to find 4 capacitors for a rock foz.501x 4 ch. There a inch tall and are 3300 uf and 50 wv?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7734
Registered: Dec-03
the PAC CF-1 is the fan you want.
cardomain or sells them I believe
it's a low profile design. very neat fans.
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