I've always enjoyed high SPL myself and that would be my primary focus, although obtaining atleast decent SQ is a must. As if the thread name didn't give it away, I am also on a budget.
I currently have 1 12" type S, 122D and she gives a bump here and there but not nearly enough (can't say I expected much). I've decided to upgrade and I have no problem building a custom enclosure to fit the specs of each 3 12's to fit in my trunk (90 jetta).
I was thinking of buying two reference 1232w and an amp to power all 3. Does the fact that 1 of the 3 is a different sub play much of a role here? Should I sell it and go for 3 of the same? Or is there a better bang for the buck setup? What kind of amp would be best (keeping to a reasonable budget) for all 3 of these to run off?
I'm not even sure how I'd go about wiring these, the infinities are dual 4ohms and the alpine is dual 2 ohms. Any ideas?
well the atlas 12s and 15s from what i have heard are excellent subs, utilizing the xbl2 motor. although the rms is about 250-300, they still pound from all of the reviews i have heard. so if you did end up with 3 of those, the ed.nine amp would pair well. so all of this would end up costing roughly 850$
3 2 ohm dvc subs can be wired to a 1.34 ohm load< works with a 1 ohm stable amp or a 3 ohm load 3 4ohm dvc subs can be wired to a 2.67 ohm load < works with a 2 ohm stable amp id either scrap the type s or add 2 more... get 3 type r's
What is that amps rms? I assume 600 since it's 1200 max? 3x350=1050, wouldn't I need that much to get them going good? Or would the difference be small/not worth the extra cash?
Also, where abouts can you get them for 200? Can't find any on ebay and everywhere else is around 400.