REALLY LOST kicker sub and box


Unregistered guest
Hey i made a box for my kicker L712, i bought a terminal box.. which connects the speaker cable to the postive nd negitive side. But on my sub there FOUR places where i can put in speaker wires.. What do i do? i can connect two to the sub what about the other two areas i can put speaker cables.. heres a pic if one doesint up load..

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 137
Registered: Nov-04
its a dual voice coil...that just gives u more options on wiring your sub 2 get different loads, pick one and forget about the other(until you lear more abouit car audio, not 2 be an as s)
a good site 2 learn from is

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1106
Registered: Jul-04
when your gonna do is put a wire going from one black dot to one red dotted terminal....then you're going to connect a set of wires from the terminal in the box to the other two available posts, possitive being red, black being negative and then wire from your amp to box obviosuly...

if you'd like a drawing let me know...

donny.. .i dont think the best thing to do would be forgetting about the other coil
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