The neverending battle..but anywho i have 2 12" kappa's right now, in a .85^3' sealed box, and i was wondering how much louder will it get in a 1.75^3' ported box, and what are the disadvantages...everyone says it makes it a lot worse SQ...but what exactly is it worse at (lows? highs?)...and will it feel like it was "warping" your body at all in a ported box? Right now i think the sealed box sounds really good, but i would be willinig to sacrafice a little quality for 5db more..any info would be greatly apprsiated
Yes...i realise if i wanted louder subs i should have got something punchy, and not infinity...but i wanted clean at the time, now i just want a bit louder without upgrading my whole system
A well designed ported box will be louder than sealed and can rival it in SQ actually, your typical Best Buy prefab will sound like crap, but a well implemented ported box can have what is accepted as the same or better SQ than sealed. Ported has advantages and disadvantages in SQ, advantages are that it has lowered distortion over sealed. Disadvantages are transient response and group delay, but those can be minimized with a good box. You can get great SQ and SPL out of those Kappas with the right box, just make sure it has a large port area and a decent sized box, with those subs I'd go with around 2 cu ft net tuned to around 30-32 hz, it's a good all around tune for SQ and SPL. You'll likely get around 5db more out of it.
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Yea, thats kinda what i had in mind, sweet. to find these 2cu' ported boxes...i was thinking q-logic, but they only have 1.75 (Dual 12" box)