Ok. well i'm having a hell of a time gettin a box that will fit my sub behind the seat. The box I had for my car almost fits. All the ones that i'v looked at for trucks, the type s wont fit in. All these places say that they can custom make one...for $300-$500, ya right. So i'm just going to make one an am looking for some tips.
well i might carpet later. It is only to hold me off tell I get new seats then fiber glass a box. I'v only had ported box's so i'm not to sure on how the sound would be diff. All the truck box's i'v looked at have been sealed. I need to figure out the dimensions that the sub requires, then work around the LxWxH.
Well once you figure out the dimensions for the box you should go out side and measure the door's opening and if posible make a cardboard box of it in its acttull dimensions to see if it fits. Nothing sucks more after a day's work in the woodshop to fined out it doesn't fit
alot. I have alot of carpenters in my family. I'm thinkin of using MDF or there is another type of board that a friend of mine was talking about. Can remeber the name but it had pro in it.
Ok then shouldn't have any problems with bracing and build quality.If your making a ported(vented) enclosure make sure that the port is at least 3-4inchs away from the back wall.
dustyn, i ahve a real small truck box that i had a 10 sony p5 fit in, if you pay shipping ill ship it to you for free, i have no use for it, its nicely built and carpeted, all it needs is one of those little connector things for the speaker wires but you can go pick one up for like 3 bucks