Please help me wire this


peter griffin
Unregistered guest
How do i wire a dual 1 ohm sub to a 2 channel amp for a 2 ohm load

Bronze Member
Username: Joe_c

Oakwood, Ga

Post Number: 17
Registered: Mar-05
is it a dvc dual voice coil sub???

Bronze Member
Username: Joe_c

Oakwood, Ga

Post Number: 18
Registered: Mar-05
is it a dual voice coil sub?

Bronze Member
Username: Rds11

Louisville, Kentucky

Post Number: 89
Registered: Nov-04
dude, you can only use one channel more than likely. Most 2-channel amps can only read a 4-ohm load when bridged. anyway to get a two ohm load wire it in series. Connect the neg(-) terminal on the amp to the pos(+) terminal of one of the voice coils then lead the wire to the - teminal of the voice coil then to the + again then to the - again and then to the amp's + terminal. rockford fosgate website has a wiring wizard that can explain it much better.
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