I just bought 1 12" Audiobahn AW1200Q and i want to know what kind of box to get Audiobahn reccomended 3 types: Vented,Ported,and Sealed. My friend has 2 10" Alpine type E hooked up to a MTX amp and it sounds pretty good (he has it in a sealed box). His subs are rated @ 300w RMS each and mine is rated @ 700w RMS 1400w max.Is two subs better than one?
If you are looking for spl, go with the ported box, if you are looking for sq, go with sealed. Good luck on getting much sq with audiobahn though.:-) Adding an extra sub only add's around 3+ Db's.
Unregistered guest
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Thanks thats what i was think. Im definately for spl does it matter what hz the ported box is tuned to? If so, my friend has a 30hz ported box or should it be tuned to a higher hz like 32?
taylor...someone at carstereo.com said that adding another sub adds like 4.1562823890470...some weired 4.15 number...is it 3 or 4 dbs...i wanna know lol
How about we just say 3 db's, that's the general rule of thumb. 3.989891987198729384987198719873298471987293841892039480912835491890510923095481 0293580918305981093580918359018903580193258018230958012850 my @ss.
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Ima just have to buy one off of ebay because i dont know how to tune a box lol. I can make the box tho but the tuning......nope
The Alpine E is there bottom line sub, not that grate. It's not a bad sub by any mean's. Audiobahn has a split rating, people either love them or hate them. I like them, not bad for the price. Some people say there build quality isn't that grate, and there not really an sq sub. I used to have a pare of there 8's like 3 year's ago, and I think they wher the hardest hitting 8's I've ever heard. After about a year they did blow though, then after that I couldn't keep a pare from blowing so I switched to 12 Ma's. They are running off the same amp as the 8's wher though!
Unregistered guest
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By the way how is a ported box tuned? And what about bandpass?
Unregistered guest
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What kind of amp should i use on this sub. Have you all heard od Volfenhag? Some German amp i dont believe its good quality, What about Power Acoustiks?
dude if you want cheap good subs go verwin vega v-max or Image dynamics , or alpine type r. You will get much better quality by going with one better sub then two subs that are lower line subs.
dude if you want cheap good subs go verwin vega v-max or Image dynamics , or alpine type r. You will get much better quality by going with one better sub then two subs that are lower line subs.
Unregistered guest
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No i got the audiobahn not the type E's its able to run on 2 ohms or 8ohms what kind of amp should i use?