Whats the max voltage a car's alternator can reach. I thought it 14.4 but my friend has a voltage gauge and he claims that his voltage fluctuates between 14 and 18 volts. Is this True?
Also does anyone know anything about the JL 6W0? Im gonna listen to them this weekend but i would like some opinions. Im thinking about custom mounting some in my car.
When someone asks you about your system and they say somethin like "Hey your system is tight, how many watts is that puttin out?" Do u all give the peak or rms. I kno it doesnt matter at all, in fact i think its funny when ppl say the peak and u give the rms and they think that they can outshove you and more than likely they can't.anyways that was the dumb question
At idle, your cars runs at about 12.5V. Above 900RPM, generally you're running about 14.4V. Not sure if you need a special higher voltage alternator to get above that or not. Remember that the W0 is the lowest line that JL makes, so keep that in mind. Plus it's a 6.5" sub, so it's not going to slam like a 15".
Yea, on the JL 6W0 I figured it probably sucked, but Im thinkin about addin an 8" or smaller sub and mount it custom somewhere inside my car. like the dash or console or seat or somethin like that. I guess i would need a free air sub for that right? also any other sub suggestions are good. im lookin at a few right now anyways. I would also need an amp but thats not a problem.
to be honest its more flare and looks than sound because I am gettin a 12" Brahma also. Im just wonderin if it would be worth it b/c i do want it to make a noticeable effect, just not a huge one
RDS11, yes you can get alternators that put out more than the normal 14.4 volts. Some high-output alternators can get into the 15's. I highly doubt your friends voltage rails go up to 18 though.
It will take a lot of power to notice much over a brhama. You could try the RE 8. Lol, I love it when people say they have a 1200 watt legacy, and you really know that it is only putting 3/400 watt's. Then when you tell them all you have is an 800 watt amp, and it totally kills there system! I'm speaking from experence on that one. I always give the rms, most kids at my school though don't know any better and go by peak rating's. I just laugh at them!:-)
How much would that RE 8" be? I was also lookin at maybe the CompVR 8", a Rockford 8", or a Polk MOMO 8". Im like you tho, I love hearin kidds try to make their system sound tight whether by mistake or on purpose and then they get blown away, by me or someone else.