Need Help with sub/box question. Please Look!


Unregistered guest
I have 2 12" Memphis M3's running off a 1000d in a sealed box right now. I went to the Memphis web site and it says about 1.6 cu ft per box tuned to 38 Hz for a ported box. I want to go ported because I want it to be louder but what will a box sound like tuned to 38 Hz. Will I lose a lot of sq or just a little? What type of music sounds best and plays loudest with this? Sorry for the long post and thanks for any input!

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 1266
Registered: Dec-04
that is tuned very high. you will have higher SPL but lose SQ. I would just go sealed but thats me. I love sealed boxes.

Silver Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 923
Registered: Aug-04
I always have such a hard time deciding between sealed or ported. I've tried the my subs running off the same amps in both sealed and ported, and I love the gain in spl of ported, but I also love the sound of sealed boxes. SO hard to choose.

Unregistered guest
do yall think it would be tuned too high for daily listening? I listen to rap and some rock. thanks

Silver Member
Username: Araknid


Post Number: 260
Registered: Nov-04
Sealed is better for short hard, like quick repping techno and pounding rap beats and ported for long low beats.

Unregistered guest
would it be tuned to high for daily listening? I listen to mainly rap and some rock. thanks

Silver Member
Username: Hdubb

Farmington, Nm Usa

Post Number: 913
Registered: Nov-04
its close, most rap doesnt go too far under 35, i thinkn you youll be alright, but if you build a box tune it a lil lower and it will sound crazy, when it hits lows, when my system was up and running, my box is tuned to 35 and i can make my whole shake like crazy.

Unregistered guest
so what happens when the music plays under say 35 or 38 hz? What does rap usually play at? Will a box tuned in the mid to high 30's make rap and rock louder? Thanks and sorry for all the questions but im new at this.
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