Homework Help


Bronze Member
Username: Rds11

Louisville, Kentucky

Post Number: 59
Registered: Nov-04
At school we are doing "How To" presenations in a class. Today our topics were due and I forgot so when It came to me I just said I would do it on Box Building for subwoofers. I know a decent amount on this topic but not anything like calculations and measurements and stuff.

Does anyone have any tips or websites that I can utilize to help me with my Speech. I will probably just go through the steps on how to build a rectangle sealed enclosure, although I will mention the other types which are just ported and bandpass I'm guessing.

Any help with this is appreciated.

Silver Member
Username: Hdubb

Farmington, Nm Usa

Post Number: 554
Registered: Nov-04
go to sounddomain.com and they have a tutorial on box building, and what not. good stuff. the12volt.com has stuff bcae1.com try all of these and then audiobahn.com crapply products good info

Silver Member
Username: Killer44

Ontario Canada

Post Number: 114
Registered: Dec-04
there are also abc enclosures...not sure of how to explain them but u can find sites and pics by searcing in google...but heres a site for box calculations and stuff...
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