W7 and Type R Question


Bronze Member
Username: Dustin507

Post Number: 20
Registered: Nov-04
I have 2 12" R Types right now, but I want a w7, any size, really bad, i just like the subs. So my question is would 1 10 inch w7 do better then the type R's? would 1 or 2 8" w7's do better than the type R's? Any input would be appreciated, thanks.

Silver Member
Username: Erik123456

Arlington, Tx

Post Number: 381
Registered: Aug-04
I dont think it would be worth it to ditch 2 type r's for 1 10w7

The W7 is a better woofer but you would be paying a lot just for the sub and you would also need to get a new box and amp

1 8w7 in the high out put box is 600 bucks for the 10 i think its like 750 or more plus you will need an amp to work with its ohm load jl stuff gets expensive fairly quickly

Silver Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 371
Registered: Aug-04
Yeah. I'm sure 1 W7 could probably beat out 2 Type R's easily, but it's gonna cost a lot more than your Type R's did.

New member
Username: Adampit

Post Number: 9
Registered: Dec-04
Ive got 2 type r's like you and am actually buying a friends 12W7 in a box for 400 bucks next month

Silver Member
Username: Fordpwr

Los angeles, Ca Usa

Post Number: 123
Registered: Dec-04
i have 1 13w7 in a box for sale for 600 bucks..

Bronze Member
Username: Colinjay18

Houston, Tx Usa

Post Number: 15
Registered: Jan-05
dr. max, is you box built to jl specs, is it ported or sealed, and what are the dimensions?

Bronze Member
Username: Rob315

Syracuse, NY U.S.

Post Number: 56
Registered: Jan-05
who's selling their type r's????i want to buy them...not 10's though.

Bronze Member
Username: Americanbass

Post Number: 48
Registered: Jan-05
i seriously want to know why u would ask if the W7 is better than the alpine type R's that is crazy u dont deserve to have a system

Bronze Member
Username: Adampit

Post Number: 12
Registered: Dec-04
Rob Fox i will sell my 2 12's for the right price
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