I am looking at purchusing a used subwoofer and amp. I was wondering what are some important things to check for before purchasing these types of products from someone. What type of signs should i look for that will help prevent me from wasting my money? Assume that i do not personally know the seller either. Any good input is needed.
The best way is to hear before you buy. Any brown or burnt spots on the amp is bad. If you can take the cover off and look inside to see the board, there should be no brow spots on it. When I look at amps I look at how many watts RMS @ 2ohms. Because RMS @ 4ohms is always less. This is just me but I think any amp under 500 RMS watts @ 4ohms is not enough. Unless you can get it under $100.
what? any amp under 500watts rms is not enough? Not enough for what? what if I am running 1 jl-12w0 that 500 watt amp you just told me to get would fry that sub so fast you wouldnt even be able to hear it. Dont go telling someone what amp to get when you have no idea what subs they are looking for. You prob think that you can run a 1000 watt amp at 50 watts if you keep the gains down HUH? Next time just ask what subs they are looking into so you can make a more reputable call as to which amp they should choose. James
First there was no mention of a particular sub just subwoofer in general. Subs are hard to look at and tell if they are in working condition so I didn't say anything about them. If you are running 1 jl-12w0, I guess you have ability to read and comprehend as everybody else should that 500 watts RMS is more than that particular subs rating. So, amps that put out that many watts will not work. Sorry for this, I was under the impression everybody learned to count in kindergarten.
And furthermore I was not telling anyone what amp to get. You must read and comprehend what you have read. What I said is (This is just me but I think any amp under 500 RMS watts @ 4ohms is not enough.) Everyone know to mach subs with the amps output rating. Good joke about the1000 watt amp on a 50 watts sub but that was uncalled for as you should already know. It's all good hopefully this is the end of that. Anyone else care to add anything.
Dude first off no everyone doesnt kow that thats why you dont go telling people to get a 500 watt rms amp. There are alot of people on here that come here for advice because they dont know anything about amps and power ratings. So take your childish antics and "Kindergarten Counting skill somewhere else F%^K bag! Another thing Bucko I dont have a W0 I was using it as a refference. Yeah now I guess its all good and that is the end of that!
I'm going to leave it alone. Did not tell anyone to get anything. I said, This is just me but I think any amp under 500 RMS watts @ 4ohms is not enough. I am sure if cutthrote was asked as well as everyone Who can read will see I did not tell him what to get. As for you I have no hard thoughts at you but I will say you need to read the rules on posting and even when someone is wrong which I was not you need to use a nicer tone to you post. I am sure you will have something to say but I am letting it go because this is not helping cutthrote and no one want to hear me and you taking up the board. Have a great Day.