

Looking to power 1 RE 12" X.X.X think 600 watts will be enough in a Nicley built ported box. This is goin on a 1997 maxima, what size yall recommend for the enclosure and what tunning?

Silver Member
Username: Hdubb

Farmington, Nm Usa

Post Number: 320
Registered: Nov-04
it will do, but you can give it 800 to 900watts and it will be a happy little sub. give it around 2 to 2.5 in a vented box and tune if it is a daily sub and you listen to rap around 40 to 45. if you want to compete tune to 30 to 35 hertz

Unregistered guest
definitely give it a little more than 600. hunter is right, give it around 88-1000 watts and youll be bumpin.

well the amp says it will give 919 watts rms @2ohm but im not so sure about that. its a kennwood amp

Silver Member
Username: Hdubb

Farmington, Nm Usa

Post Number: 333
Registered: Nov-04
well look to see what the VCs of the X.xx is if they are dual 2 ohm then you wil have to run the amp at 4 ohms. but if it dual 4 ohms then you can run it at 2 ohms and get the power you need and deserve. it is hard to tell if it will put out 919 rms. it could be true, this will sound stupid, but because of the number they gave you 919. you think they would have bumped it up to 1000
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