ok i was hooking up a system in a pt cruiser last night and i ran the power wire correctly, i pulled out the stock cd head and there was no rca jacks or blue remote wire. i found out the wire colors for the back left and back right speakers and so i spliced into them accordingly behind the cd head for the RCA's. then using process of elimination seeing that there were only 3 wires not grouped together ( RED, YELLOWish orange, and PURPLE WITH A YELLOW STRIPE)i decided that the purple wire with the yellow stripe was the remote because the red was the memory wire and the yellowish one was for power. anyways i connected the remote wire. then i ran all the wires back to the amp and tried to turn it on and the protection light came and stayed on. i KNOW FOR A FACT it cant be the remote wire cause im getting power when i turn on the cd head. it cant be the power wire because im obviously getting power. it cant be the RCA's because i know i connected them properly. so it has to be the ground. i found a solid place on the frame of the car wire brushed it and still it wont work. i then tried many other ground points and the protection light still stays on. I took the amp out of her pt and moved it to my car and just connected the ground, power, and remote and it lit up green so i know that the amp is good, then i moved it back to her car and just hooked up the remote, ground, and power and the red light contiues to pester me!!!! PLEASE A NEED HELP!
the back seats lift up exposing a metal bracket that the seat connects to. this is directly on the chassis of the car. the bracket has two bolts so i stuck the gruond under one of the bolts for the ground.
Ok you need a DMM and measure the voltage on the PT. See if you get 12v or higher. If you do, then connect the pos and neg to the amp. However, this time, try connecting the pos to the remote terminal also. This should power the amp. See if the protection light goes out. Make sure the rca cable is not connected to the amp. It could just be that you're not getting enough juice to the amp. Do a search on this forum on wire colours. I posted it few days ago listing all the wires.
No you don't switch. Just connect the pos to the pos on the amp and to the remote terminal. This will force the amp to power up.
Here's the wire colours.
yellow is ususally illumination red is batt+ (memory) orange is switched ignition. power antenna is blue/white remote is blue black is ground green is left pos green/blk is left neg white is right pos white/blk is right neg
hey... i fixed the problem, all that was wrong is that the remote wire wasn't getting enough power from where it was so i went into the cig. lighter and put the remote wire on that. it all works fine no so thanx for the help.