I currently own a dodge neon so there is not tons of trunk to use. I want a sub that sounds great for daily driving but I want to be able to turn it up if needed. I am looking for something top of the line or pretty close but dont want to spend too much money. I would like something I can crank up and blow the pants off my friends and their systems.
You said that you want somthing close to top of the line, so I figure are going to spind the money!:-) I would say a Jl 12w7 or maby even a 13w7. Re x.x.x Adire Brhama and if you don't care about sq really, go with kicker l7's Alpine type X Alpine type R and a hole lot more. lol
yeh and if ou dont care about sq at all, go wit the juggernaut or the RE MT
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you can not forget about audiobahn's superior SQ and cheap affordable price, Id have to say there the obvious choice.
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nah im just fukkin wit ya
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1 12" IDMAX- Has the best SQ of any sub IMO and gets loud when needed. They are Around $330 a piece. If thats too much, go with 1 12" Adire Shiva. ONly 125 dollars
i dont have a box yet but it will be probably be slot ported and I Have about 800- 1000 max for sub and amp. I was thinking about the brahma. will it last long with about 900 watts at one ohm in a 1.25 slot ported box.