2002 Chevy Blazer


SM Pfalzer
Unregistered guest
Yeah, I have a 2002 Chevy Blazer that's not allowing me to start it. I'm kind of surprised by this, considering I've never heard of anything like it before.

It ran fine about four or five hours prior to me coming back out to it and inserting the key. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with PASSLOCK ANTI-THEFT DETTERANT SYSTEM in it, but I'm not sure.

Here's what I've got: The SECURITY light blinking continuously, and the ignition locked in one position with the wheel locked as well. When I insert the key, I get the "bonging" noise everyone gets but it prevents me from being able to turn the ignition with the key in. I've got good lights, and all other electrical things are working fine, just the ignition.

I'm wondering how to bypass PASSLOCK so I can start my vehicle. I've looked in the owner's manual and it says nothing about how to overcome PASSLOCK to continue like normal.

Any help from here would be great, my car's stuck in a parking lot now..

Unregistered guest
you say the ignition is locked and it doesn't turn at all? if thats the case you have a bad key or ignition switch. passlock wouldn't have anything to do with that. w/ passlock you can turn the key, and the car will crank, but it won't start. try turning the steering wheel as you turn the igniton switch. let me know if this helps.

SM Pfalzer
Unregistered guest
I'll see about trying a different key. I looked over the key in question and didn't see any knicks though I could have missed something. As well, we tried unlocking the doors manually with the key and they worked fine.

I'll try a different key.

Bronze Member
Username: Drumjunky

Boulder, Colorado

Post Number: 26
Registered: Nov-04
kinda seems like moving the steering wheel back-and-forth while trying to getting the ignition to turn might be the problem...power steering usually isn't on, so it might be a bit tough to turn

Unregistered guest
it sounds like your steering wheel is just locked,it's a security feature that gms and most other vehicles have. all you should need to do is pull the steering wheel to the left and then turn the key. you only need to turn the wheel a few inches. it just releases the lock mechanism in the steering column. if this doesn't work its a bad ignition switch, or bad wheel lock. I had an older beretta that had the same problem. mine ended up being the ignition switch.

Bronze Member
Username: Ps1k0

Post Number: 99
Registered: Aug-04
your question is a little had to understand, but it sounds like mikvot is right with turning the wheel then turning the key.

if it were your passlock system, then your truck would crank and run for about 1 second then shut down. i didn't get the impression that it was that from your msg.

Unregistered guest
I have a 2002 Blazer 6 Cyl. 4.0 with 20,000 Miles on it. Recently a small amount of antifreeze has been showing up on the garage floor when the car is brought home. Not every time, but once in a while. I looked at the hoses and the water pump area from under the car: no trace of antifreeze. The antifreeze is seen on the bottom of the starter. I took it to the dealership. They said they pressure-tested the system and found no problem. They stated that they found no leaks either. Nevertheless, I am still wiping antifreeze puddles off my floor. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Bill

Unregistered guest
I have a 1993 chevy Z28. I had parked it a while back and the battery went dead. Now it won't start. The injectors are not getting a signal. I replaced the ecm with a remanufactured one and it still will not get a signal. I am lost at what to check next. Does anyone know what the chip in the key does? I am getting spark to the plugs, just no signal to the injectors. Also I have a python mdl 70 alarm on it. The alarm seem to shut off OK.

Unregistered guest
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