just so everyone knows, i just bought my brand new amp, for 100 bucks, brand new. i'm just waititng for monday to come around to order my new 15" x.x.x. thanks everyone for your help
its a hifonics 1500d wich comes highly recomemded. i said 100 bucks just to let you know i can get pretty much any audio equipment(car) for less than half of what oyu guys would pay. pretty cool huh. i got my mtx 9500 15" for 250 brand spankin new. no b.s. wich i sold for 350 two weeks later , its sucks so much as$. i also got my friends 13w7 , wich i'm trying to beat as a lot of you know, for guess how much?...450.....in a perfect spec box no b.s.how do you guys think i keep swapping gear? seriously though i can get distributed equipment for a very low,low price, all legit w / warranty. x.x.x. is out of the question though , i can't get that, nor brahamas or gear thats not distributed widely. other than this i an get preetty much anything , especially headunits,dvd players, etc.....
No kidding. The prices he says he gets are like 1/2 of cost. He must have some connection direct with the manufacturers.
Unregistered guest
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I say the jewish mafia must be behind this...
Posted on
yeah eric he has a direct connection from the manufacturers kock to his anu$
Posted on
funny how eveyrone's jeoluos. you need car audio equipment, just post it and i'll give you a shipped price and you can shopp around. and don't ask how. think about it, it's a stup1d question.