I just bought a Cuspid Extreme AM-4310 and im suppost to get get 400watts at 4 speakers or 800 watts 2 speakers... well when i hook up my amp i hook it up to 2 channels. Well i hear the bass, but its not coming out 800watts. Any suggestions?
Well, I took a look at it and here's the breakdown. These are facts: 1. power you mentioned is a peak rating 2. apm actually puts out 80W for each channel. See if you can return it immediately. Then tell us what kind of subs you have and we'll suggest an amp.
It's a cuspid. that's peak power not RMS. This is why I don't like these cheap shady brands. They mislead uneducated customers. I can't even find a website for them, or any ral info on that product using google