Hey I know most of the stuff that is used on that show is garbage, but there was something interesting on a show a few nights ago. They pimped out this integra and actually used glass speakers. They were clear and they just put them onto the back of his seats and they showed them flexing and playing music. They looked pretty cool, but I'm not sure who makes them, or if theyre even widely available.
you mean those resonating panels they used? I've seen those used in homes before, on large plate glass windows to make them act as speakers. I'm not sure who made the set used on the show but I could look them up.
Thanks man. I wasn't sure what they were, I just caught it quickly and didn't get to hear the explanation. It sounds like it'd be more trouble than its worth to set something like that up. Thanks a lot.
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Yeah, i saw them using that type of thing for subwoofers in a trunk, they mounted them on the inside of the trunk hood...i had never seen anything like that before, i was wondering what was up with that
they're mostly for show, or uniqueness. they aren't super efficient, nor are they that great for detail or output, so really if ya want god bass, stick to conventional subs. if you want something just for the wow factor, they're fun.
Do you know how they work? Do you just aim the speakers at them? I kinda get the concept but don't see exactly how it would make much of a difference. Then again I guess thats what that show is all about... the "wow" factor.
they *are* the speakers instead of having a conventional magnetic transducer, they work in a similar manner to an ESL. you apply electrical current to the panel, and the panel resonates or moves in accordance to the AC signal applied to it, and as the panel moves, it produces sound.
found out the guy made those for the car himself. they were just resonator panels.. but nobody markets something exactly like that for car audio at present.
Unregistered guest
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thats sucks balls about the speakers not being widely sold cos i was well up for buying some a doze bad boys. i reckon the look well trick and was well awstruck. glasswolf, u are oviously a clever f**k good to now ya(sort of). fanx for the info and hope to speak soon on the subject.
heh nah electrostatics wouldn't work in a car. they need a larger room for good imaging, and they are VERY demanding for power, and VERY picky about room placement. you can spend a whole day positioning a pair of those towers to get them just right.. and that's in a big room. in a car, it'd be nearly impossible, also due to the fact that ESL panels are "bi-pole" meaning they produce equal sound from both the front and rear of the speaker, so half the sound they produce is first order reflection off the walls of the front of your listening room. since car speakers usually mount against a door or dash (250Hz and up, like an ESL) they wouldn't work in a car. I know you were kidding and all but figured I'd explain it anyway because people do ask me now and then about ESL tech in a car. the other problem is an ESL needs to be very large to effectively produce high volumes and full range response, so an average ESL panel will be about 18" or more across, and about 4' or more tall. then figure ya need two of em.
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How about i want to build an enclosure kind of type for my amp.. i saw this on pimpmy ride as well, anyways the floor is made out of glass, inside of a glass are amps, i saw a part how they make it, by wood.. two questoins where can i get the glass, and hwat will i have to do to build it.. or how much is it to be custom made???
Unregistered guest
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How about i want to build an enclosure kind of type for my amp.. i saw this on pimpmy ride as well, anyways the floor is made out of glass, inside of a glass are amps, i saw a part how they make it, by wood.. two questoins where can i get the glass, and hwat will i have to do to build it.. or how much is it to be custom made???
u need some plexiglass/lexan for the glass look 1/4 - 1/2 inch would do as long as ur not using it to enclose subwoofers and 3/4 or 5/8 mdf for the wood portions no one here can tell you how to build it.. we can only give advice.. the best thing to do is to figure out what u want done and how draw it out make sure everything will work then take your time and build it.