Ok heres my delema!.. I bought a 4 set of Bose speakers off of a friend from their Infinity.. As anyone knows Bose speakers come with their own amplifires.. so of course i dismantled them from their casing in order to install them in my car.. I have an old panasonic radio (not old but like atleast 4 years old) and its a 40 or 60 watt 8ohm i believe.. Now im under the impression that the Bose speakers are 4 ohm because everytime i run them and turn the volume up higher than 20 the hole radio system shuts off and turns back on and continues to do so untill i turn it down or shut off th base or in some who lower the power usage.. At first i checked my grounds since i had to do some custom cut and splicing to get the radio to work and it appears but is not 100% that the ground and powers are correct.. I noticed that while the music is playing my dash lights are diming to the power drain, like everytime a base peeks or soemthing my lights dim for the that short period. I was thinking what i need to do is get a 4 ohm amplifier, i believe i only need like 200 amps cause its only 2 3' and 2 6x9 speakers. Im averaging the amp usaged at 40 to 60 amps max a peice so i figure 200 should do me good.. now my question is.. Does anyone think that power is my problem, that if in deed my radio has a 8 ohm amp in it (which is getting really hot iv noticed) that, that could be the problem and that a 4 ohm amplifer will solve my issuse?? please write back someome..
nnnnick b.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
The Panasonic doesnt put out 60 watts. it probaly puts out around 20watts rms. Those bose speakers prob have some wierd ohms rating so that might be causing the problem. Ur headunit, the panasonic, doesnt draw 200amps. It prob draws between 10 and 20 amps. I personaly dont like bose speakers. they dont sound good and build quility isnt up to par. i wuold invest in better speakers.