Hey guy, with 2 grands, you should be able to find an amp that can more than push your subs. Try this model, ROCKFORD FOSGATE POWER T30001BD. It is rated 1000W rms @ 4ohms, 2000W @ 2ohms and 3000W at 1 ohms. You might have to get stronger subs with this amp.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I would have thought that that amp would be anice match for the Alpines if wired correctly
why would he want better subs than the type X subs - theyr'e pretty good stuff all in all.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Its a waste to buy that big of an amp for those subs. 2 eD NINe 1 Get the dual 2 subs wire each sub to each amp in series. then get a HO alt. and 0 awg cable up the ying yang. you'll keep it under 2k no problem But sh*t...If you got 1100 bucks just for subs you might want to look at other ones.
i was talking to a guy at a visons store and he said i should go with a class d amp cuase the cars electrical system wouldnt be able to handle it. i have a 98 eclipse, like my main concern is , wat im i going to have 2 do 2 get thease things 2 work right and how much is it going to cost me.i think im gona end up using a rockfor T15002 , and just run 750 2 each amp , i think that would still pump them pritty good.Like im sure someone on this site should be abel to answear my qustion on "everything" im going to need (buy) to get this setup running and thats the main thing im concernd about , like im i going to have to get some fuse boxes, i know i have to get 2 capitors for sure, im just wondering if somone could pitch me a price
Unregistered guest
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You dont need Capacitors dude. If youre going to have an electrical problem all caps do is mask them for a while. should be no more than 100 bucks for the wiring.. I have no idea its gonna cost to get it installed. that depends on where you go.