Box time to start.. i guess


Silver Member
Username: Deadrabit

Post Number: 510
Registered: Jun-07
so i have not ordered my subs yet but i am going to get BL 18s. i just dont know what upgrades i am going to get of if i am going to just get stock ones.

every one says that the box will need to be 12 cuft or bigger. i have room to make it much bigger. what do u think the best size will be? tuning to 37 hz looking for lots of spl... if that even matters

Gold Member
Username: Jakeyplaysbass

St. Louis, MO / ASU

Post Number: 2965
Registered: Jul-05
I would do 12cuft tuned to 37 (if you want more SPL) with ~120sqin of port. Slot ported box witht he subs up port back. All of these numbers after displacement.

Silver Member
Username: Deadrabit

Post Number: 512
Registered: Jun-07
the subs and port will face front.. making that wall thing.
so r u saying if its 120sqin of port with 12cuft it will be 37hz?

Silver Member
Username: Shade

Moxee, Wa U.S.

Post Number: 666
Registered: Nov-06
this is what he's recommending u to use for best results.

Gold Member
Username: Jakeyplaysbass

St. Louis, MO / ASU

Post Number: 2968
Registered: Jul-05
No no no no...

You will have to do the math to get port lenght/tuning. The 120sqin of port is the area of the "face" of the port like... 5"wide by 24" tall.

With 2 18s you will want to have alot of port area. My box for the havocs was ~15cuft before displacement with the port area being 127.5sqin (3"x42.5") tuned to 27hz. After all the sub/port displacement it dropped it to less than 12cuft. When using a big port you lose internal space fast.

Silver Member
Username: Deadrabit

Post Number: 513
Registered: Jun-07
so i am wanting to make the biggest opening for the port that i can?

that makes sense i guess.
it will prolly be more like 18 cuft but close to 12 after braces subs and port displacment

Gold Member
Username: Hdubb

Team Revolution

Post Number: 3801
Registered: Nov-04
i think you may be a little mixed up ben. and you have me a little confused....are you wanted to build a wall? or a regular enclosure?

Silver Member
Username: Deadrabit

Post Number: 518
Registered: Jun-07
i am wanting to build a wall. look at this. this is what i was wanting to do.

that is what i am calling a wall..
when u think wall is there something else?
i have seen a few other things... maybe. but this is all i know of on how to build
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