Hey guys i'm lookin for some advice. I'm gettin my system installed soon, and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how i can keep my box from movin around in my trunk. i want (obviously) to keep it from movin, but something not so permanent, so that i could always take out the box if i need to. any ideas would be great, thanks!
ya l brackets would work, or if you just had a l bracket bent to 180 degrees(or anything thatsa 180) you could drill them on to your box and then make small cuts in your carpet to run the other part of the bracket to your car and screw it down under your carpet, so almost nothing would show. just an idea. velcrow i think would work too, but i think if you box still slid around any it woud make your carpet all fuzzy. but if you use enough it would work
I saw on realm of excursion one time, a 12" Eclipse TI in an acrylic(?That's what was on the forum) box and they had it tied down with some sort of yellow rope or cord. That might work.