Pursuit Pro-9175FT4 not responding


New member
Username: Hotrock3

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-10
So there are three questions, the first may be causing the second.

1) My brother cut the antenna that was attached to the windshield. All that was cut off was the mount and antenna looking part. The wire leading to that is still there. So my question is... Does anyone know how much a replacement would cost or have one I could buy off of them if they have ripped their system out?

2) I can't get the remotes to do anything other than flash their LED. This could be caused by 1 but I would think that the wire leading to the antenna would be able to pick up some signal but I could be wrong.

3) If all else fails, is their an easy way to remove the system? Anything I need to be aware of or avoid?

Thanks in advanced.
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