Eclipse 5303 for $113 shipped, but used


Unregistered guest
Discovered that it is a pre-amp cd player. could not find much else on it. I wanted to know since it has 3 pre-amp outputs on it, what would be a good way to wire the speakers in the door? the speakers are 5.25 locations. They would have to have the paneling removed to reach them (severe pain in the butt). ususally there is a wiring harness for regular receivers that helps connect everything together. I know that I would need amps and all. I guess what I am trying to ask is how would wire the front speakers since the wiring is running through the dash and doors?

Eclipse is the top thing out there right? i remember when I was about 22 and saw eclipse and thought it was absolute garbage because of the displays, colors and wattage. but after reading these forums, it turns out to be okay I guess.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 3573
Registered: Dec-03
doesn't get any better tahn Eclipse for a head unit.

you have two options for wiring the door speakers.
ideally, run new wires from the speakers to the amp. second option is run wires from the amp to the factory wiring behind the dash.
when were you 22 by the way?
I'ev been an Eclipse dealer and fan since about 1991, and they've always been top notch.
One of the few companies liek JL who've kept their products strong over the years and haven't sold out and gone to crap like everything owned by Directed.

Unregistered guest
I was 22 6 years ago. Now that I think about it I saw them back when i was 20 , 1996. I did not know much about that brand due to alpine, pioneer, and jvc hitting my eyes all of the time. Also I saw rock fos as the brand to get. but they have fell off now, havent they?

Silver Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 605
Registered: May-04
Oh yeah, they've fell off a lot since the early ninety's RF used to be spectacular stuff, but now have resided to Best Buy shelves. Granted it's still better than Power Acoustik, Sony, etc., it's not what it used to be. Pioneer and Alpine are pretty good, but the quality of Alpine has dropped a bit, they're not the top head unit anymore, with the exception of the F#1 Status head unit, which will set you back a couple of thousand bucks, they need a unit that fills that gap.

Unregistered guest
btw, what brands do Directed own or used to own? I may have bought some things from them and have had to spend more money now. :-(

Let also ask you this: I have a volfenhag ZX7180 amp that really pushes everything that I have placed on it: Rock fos, Orion, Kicker, and MTX sounded great coming from that amp. It does not have many watts: 220*2@ 4 ohms, but the sound was clean. I came in here to see what this forum had to say about Volfenhag. I have seen people defending the subs and some people completely destroy them. The amp is really doing justice for me. Only $150 shipped. That 80A fuse got me more than anything. From what I read, you have a pretty good grasp on things in all rooms. I have heard volfenhag subs; they sound good until you crank juice in to them. then they begin to sound like a sub in a tin enclosure. What is your view on their products: subs, amps, components, and regular speakers? Brief detail if you could.
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