Alpine type R's AND kicker L7's?


Unregistered guest
I currently have two alpine type R 10" subs in the trunk of my 1997 toyota corolla dx, in a sealed enclosure. I have been looking into buying two more subs to place in the trunk, and have been looking at the kicker 10" L7 solobarics, 12" L5 solobarics, and am on the verge of thinking about 12" L7 solobarics.

I was wondering which of the three options I should pick for optimum SPL *AND* SQ. I was thinking that two of the subs would be running ideally for SQ, while the other two would be running for SPL.

I believe the Type R's should be good for SQ, and that I should get the solobarics which would match my type r's the best, by providing the most SPL.

The freq. resp. for the type R's is: 24Hz - 2kHz
The freq. resp. for the 10" L7's is: 24Hz - 100Hz
The freq. resp. for the 12" L7's is: 20Hz - 100Hz
The freq. resp. for the 12" L5's is: 20Hz - 100Hz

I heard that I should go with L7's for SPL, and L5's for SQ... I also heard that the lower the left-hand # on the freq. resp. means that the speaker will be able to produce lower bass octaves.

The max peak/rms amp power for:
Type R's = max rmx/peak = 300/1000 watts
10" L7's = max rms/peak = 600/1200 watts
12" L7's = max rms/peak = 750/1500 watts
12" L5's = max rms/peak = 600/1200 watts

I noticed that the 12" L5's and the 10" L7's have the same power recommendations. I want louder bass, but I also want deeper bass, as well. Should I just stick with saving my $$$ for the 12" L7's?

As soon as I get the next pair of subs, it's custom enclosure time for my 'Rolla's trunk!

OH, and what would reverse-mounting the 10" Type-R's in my sealed enclosure do for the sound? Or should I just use polyfill on the inside of the box?

This has been nagging at my brain for about two weeks now. Someone please help!!!

~Reuben H.~

Silver Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 575
Registered: May-04
The L7's will drown out the Type R's as they get louder. I don't consider the L7 to be a great SQ woofer compared to other SPL/SQ woofers like W7's, ID Max, Adire Brahmas, RE X.X.X. etc. Square subs, as well as other odd shaped subs like Xtant and *cough* Sony pentagons,suffer from uneven stress points and cone flex, which they need a lot of bracing in certain areas to handle that stress as well as beefy surrounds, and they generate distortion quicker because of that, they also don't last as long as a well built round speaker. Kicker designed those subs to add surface area, that's about it. SQ wasn't a consideration. My opinion is that if you want more surface area, get a larger sub. There's almost always room for you to go to a larger sub, not too many people run 15's and 18's. If you're considering 12" L7's, I'd drop the idea and look into some really good 15" round subs as they'll give you the surface area you want with better SQ. A round speaker is the best for SQ. I'd look into the brands I listed above.

Unregistered guest
Hey Jonathan,

I already have some pretty good 10" round subs which pound pretty hard... I am more concerned about louder bass, and being able to have the new subs fit in the trunk... 97 Corolla trunks aren't really the biggest trunks around...

After a bit of thought, I've been feeling that the 10" L7's are the way to go, since [1] I probably won't have the car for too much longer (5 yrs max?), [2] The trunk is already cramped with the two 10" Type R's, [3] I've heard lots of good things about the 10" L7's from a couple of friends, and [4] I can't afford JBLs =^P

BUT I know about how solobarics don't tend to last as long as good round subs, and I understand what you mean about the L7's drowning out the Type-R's at higher volumes... so would you suggest the 12" L5's?

(by the way, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm going to be stubborn and be adamant about getting some solobarics... they are too visually appealing to me heh... well, unless you can find me two brand new W7's for less than $250! Then I'd think about it... cause JL subs are awfully bland looking, and I am as much concerned about the cosmetics of my car, as I am about the soundsystem =^P)

I guess I should have been clearer with what I was asking? I just wanted to know which pair of new subs I should get in order to maximize the volume, push the most air, and save the most space (or the best compromise of the three).

and a 15" and/or 18" sub will NOT fit in my car without significant modification of the trunk area or back seats (even with trying to put it in the tire well in the trunk! Believe me, I tried to check this out before I got my Type R's!) ... something which I am not willing to do to my car hah... anyways, I'm going to have enough trouble as it is, once the other two subs are in, trying to find space for the damn amplifiers!

Also, what is everyone's take on using the trunk as a ported box? I was thinking something along the lines of cutting out a place on the rear deck or something, and having the port lead into the air space in the trunk... other than that, I have no idea as to how this would work. Any suggestions/advice/comments?

Again, I'm a beginner at this, so I only have a small idea as to what I'm trying to do here. I just know that I want another pair of subwoofers in my trunk, along with my Type-R's.

Speaking of the Type-R's, can anyone answer me about whether or not reverse mounting or using polyfill would improve sound in any way???

One more question: If I were to get the type r 10 inchers and the solobarics (10" or 12", whichever) what would be the best plan of action in placing them in the trunk? I know it's going to require a custom box to be made, but should it be sealed? should i turn the whole trunk into a ported box and make the subs just face free air space? reverse mounting of some or all of the subs? I'm completely lost on this aspect.

Silver Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 580
Registered: May-04
Sealed box preferably. Using a trunk as a ported box generally doesn't produce good results, as air leaks and it's hard to tune correctly. I guess if anything I would get just the two 10 or 12" L7's and possibly sell the Type-R's, L5's won't be any better and have even worse sound quality and less SPL. L7's use small boxes and will fit your trunk better than 4 subs. SQ just won't be that great, but it wouldn't be any better if you ran the type R's. If you want optimum SPL, do a slot ported box to their specs.

Silver Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 581
Registered: May-04
By the way, I just don't see 4 subs fitting in a Corolla trunk without taking the whole thing up. Not if the enclosures are proper, anyway. That's why I recommend just the L7's and ported box.

Unregistered guest
What if I just got one 12" L& sub, kept my two Alpine Type R's, and just got a custom made slot ported enclosure to hold all three subs?

I believe that, if mounted correctly, this might produce some VERY nice bass output...

Do you think it would be possible to have a single custom emclosure which is slot ported for the solobaric, and sealed for the Type R's?

Reuben H.
Unregistered guest
~one 12" L7 sub*

sorry for the typos.

So is the sealed and ported custom box possible to make? if not, would it be better for the box to be sealed or ported?

Bronze Member
Username: Deadman

Kirksville, MO USA

Post Number: 18
Registered: May-04
Get 2 12" L7's and port them. You won't be disappointed. Don't listen to anyone who says these subs aren't built for sound quality. These subs sound great and are loud as hell!!!!
I'm extremely happy with my purchase.
Plus you can get 'em at for cheap!!!!!!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Sploosh56

Post Number: 247
Registered: May-04
Ok Reuben this is the way it will have to be. If you want SQ then just keep the Typr R's. As you know they can get a bit loud but they won't crush you. If you want SPL that will make you want to puke get 2 12" L7's in a Super Bass Box ( This will give you a tremendous amount of output. One of my friends has the same setup and it's so loud you really don't care about sound quality. These subwoofers won't distort when powered with a good amp that can supply the power needed. These things arn't very accurate though buy like I said they are so loud you could care less. If you still want SQ and SPL then sell your Alpines and a get a 12" Adire Brahama subwoofer. These subwoofers have a very accurate sound and are extremely loud. rl= J:&tbnh=101&tbnw=134&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dre%2Bxxx%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie% 3DUTF-8%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN THere is a website for ya to see some Adires in action.
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