Have you ever left your volume up when you shut your car off, then forgot about it and came back then you start the car, and all you hear is BOOOOOMMM. And it about makes you sh!t yourself..lol
i leave my stock sh_t up by accident and it scares me in the morning...i dont even wanna know whats gonna happen when i leave my new stuff up...i mite sht myself...
i love when my dad goes to drive my car and i leave it up...he gets real pissed. he just sits in the driveway for a lil bit and just hits the horn....its kinda funny
Oh god, before school i forgot to turn it off, and after whn i was leavung, i turned the key and BOOOOOM. Everybody was looking at me and sh!t. It scared the hell out of me.
That's how you know you're playing it TOO loud. When your ears adjust to the loud volume you think it sounds just right. Then when you jump in and jam later your ears are like "WTF"!!!!!